Toucan 3.0 new features: speed up time to insight

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Toucan: A Customer-Obsessed Approach

layout creation

In today's dynamic business landscape, one factor stands out as the driving force behind growth: customer obsession. The role of analytics has undergone a transformation from being an optional asset to becoming an indispensable component, playing a pivotal role in enhancing customer experiences. At Toucan, we are fully attuned to the importance of analytics tools that not only empower end-users but also seamlessly integrate into customer-facing scenarios. It is with great excitement that we unveil the latest iteration of our customer-centric product, Toucan 3.0.

The Toucan team has been working hard to completely overhaul several features to create the next generation of our principal product. With the launch of Toucan 3.0, we are proud to present a transformative solution that accelerates your path from raw data to actionable insights, ensuring the best end-user experience.

Embracing the New Layout Creation Experience

Introducing Toucan 3.0

Toucan 3.0 marks the introduction of a freshly designed layout experience, which puts simplicity and user-friendliness at the forefront. This innovative enhancement empowers users to rapidly deliver tailored insights to their audience, catering to diverse use cases and profiles. The newly introduced Smart Editor guarantees a guided and efficient experience for building, making it a breeze to generate unlimited filters and stories.

How You Can Leverage This

  • Efficiency Boost: Get insights faster than ever before thanks to the improved guided builder experience and easy creation of unlimited filters.
  • Cross-Platform Consistency: The ability to effortlessly share visualizations and filters across various platforms such as Stories, Home, Dashboards, and PDF reports ensures consistent experiences throughout.

Elevating Your Data Management with DataHub



Centralized Data Management

With Toucan 3.0, we introduce DataHub, a centralized hub for managing data sources and datasets. With DataHub, you can effortlessly organize, retrieve, and prepare data, all within a single, intuitive interface. This feature simplifies maintenance, increases efficiency, and ensures scalability. Manipulating data has never been easier for non-technical end-users, thanks to this feature.

How You Can Leverage This

  • Streamlined Data Management: The centralization of data sources and datasets streamlines operations, making data management more efficient.
  • Reusable Datasets: The ability to employ reusable datasets enhances both scalability and efficiency, thereby promoting better resource utilization across applications.
  • Improved Understanding: Data dependencies and impacts are easily comprehensible, leading to more effective maintenance practices.

YouPrep Natively Built for Enhanced Data Strategy

SQL Data connectors

Optimized Data Warehouse Performance

A groundbreaking capability introduced by Toucan 3.0 is the "YouPrep Natively Built." This feature optimizes the performance and scalability of your Data Warehouse by allowing the generation of native SQL through a visual, no-code interface. This update drastically increases speed and performance, resulting in faster queries and an overall improved end-user experience.

How You Can Leverage This

  • Enhanced Performance: Experience remarkable gains in query speeds and optimized Data Warehouse performance, leading to faster data retrieval.
  • Flexibility in Data Access: Having the option to choose between live data or stored data caters to varying needs, offering a flexible approach to data access.

Enhanced Exploration Capabilities: Unleash the Power of Filters

new filtering system-1

Extensive and Personalized Filters

Toucan 3.0 propels exploration to new heights by enabling the comprehensive use of filters across the platform. This eliminates the need for custom reports, as personalized filters adapt seamlessly to the specific requirements of your audience. This also reduces custom requests, allowing users to take data exploration into their own hands, getting the answers they need fast.

How You Can Leverage This

  • Versatile Data Access: Leverage extensive filters to empower users with flexible data access.
  • Consistent Experiences: Implement global filters for uniform experiences throughout the platform.

Empower Your Data Journey with Toucan 3.0

Toucan 3.0 stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to enhancing the end-user experience for your customers within your product. By seamlessly integrating the latest innovations – from the creation of layouts to the enhancement of exploration capabilities – Toucan 3.0 accelerates your journey from raw data to valuable insights. The result? Improved efficiency, streamlined operations, and maximized performance.

We are thrilled to announce the release of Toucan 3.0. If you're eager to experience the transformative potential of Toucan 3.0, delve into the complete release notes available here. Are you ready to explore how Toucan 3.0 can elevate your company's capabilities? Reach out to us today to schedule a personalized demo!

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