Linechart - What is it ?

A "Line Chart" or curve graph is used to represent the data over a period of time. This type of graph is used to show a trend over time. The data values are presented as points, and these points are connected through linear segments.

The horizontal axis shows a continuous progression such as time. The vertical axis shows how the values of a variable change over time. The graph can be read from left to right.

A line graph is very useful for viewing the evolution of a variable over time. This allows you to understand what is happening and to make plans for the future.

A Line Chart can also be useful for observing trends. Such a chart allows you to know precisely when an unusual event has occurred. It is then possible to better understand the causes of a problem or a beneficial change.

Finally, it is an excellent visualization choice for comparing trends in different groups or segments. These may be geographic or demographic groups, for example.

For example, line graphs can be used to track the price of a stock on the stock market, or to study weather patterns. Companies can also use them to track revenue trends, compare the performance of different groups, or analyze trends to make better decisions.

However, these line graphs are not appropriate for all situations. First of all, they do not allow too many groups or segments to be represented correctly at the same time.

The reason for this is that with too many lines, the graph can quickly become cluttered. In general, it is better not to exceed four lines on a single graph to avoid it becoming too difficult to interpret.

Also, it is important to keep the same time intervals between the data so that the lines represent the data reliably. If they are used to connect unequal intervals, the information will be represented incorrectly.

To create a line graph, it is advisable to start by aggregating the data into a table with two or more columns. The values in the first column indicate the position of points on the horizontal axis (the time axis), while the following columns indicate the position of points on the vertical axis (the value axis).

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